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Archive for September, 2011

Are there benefits to gaining strong statistical background?

Hi guys. This is my first post on my statistic blog, enjoy.

As our world is mainly composed of numbers, we can refer numbers as being our second language that enables the world
to keep going.  Without a doubt statistics are defined by numbers and can be noticed in everyday setting. Mainly
in television, newspapers, street advertisement and so on. As I am psychology student, without any knowledge about statistics I can definitely say I would be
easily deceived by the mass media.  In everyday life situations, statistics are mainly used in order to sell products. As
statistics are usually the outcome of the experiment, and numbers are seen as absolute truth, people blindly believe in what they are told. Women viewing beauty
advertisements  based on half-truth statistics, that are promising miracles, will buy those products without looking at the
price. Poor husbands, boyfriends or lovers I would say, handing their hard worked money to their loved ones and instead seeing the outcome of those creams
they will have to stare at the same face again.  Referring again to the topic beauty advertisements usually state that,
this particular product helped 99% of womens. Fair enough, unless you read the small print text at the bottom of the advertisement saying that it was tested
only on three women and it helped 2 out of 3. I know, exactly, what? Oh come on ,I thought there are billions of women on the earth? Well that was a bit extreme
but at least you got the picture .Example includes Avon advertisements go for http://avonshop.co.uk/beauty/c/skincare.html.

A strong statistical background also helps in different more scientific academic situations, where for example
an experimenter wants to carry out an experiment.  Without statistical knowledge the validly of the research could be questioned. Therefore I can argue that in order to not be deluded, strong statistical background is highly advantageous.

As well as statistical background being advantageous in normal life settings, statistical knowledge can be biased
in more academic disciplines where numbers are used for the research purposes. Researchers are required to have a strong statistical background in order to carry out the
experiment. Possessing that knowledge enables them to see through the outcome of the experiment and therefore leading to some of them committing experimental
bias. The psychologist named Cyril Burt fits perfectly into our frame of biased statistics. His made up data in intelligence domain resulted in a serious consequences.
Read more at http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=iiN-AAAAMAAJ&q=cyril+burt+psychology&dq=cyril+burt+psychology&hl=en&ei=u-mFTtuMBcKc-waf0tU3&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAw
Therefore as long as strong statistical background can help in different aspects in life it can also be used as an device for own benefits with the poor